
Lyrics I'll be by your side __Bii&Miu

I'll be by your side __Bii&Miu
Authors: Wang Yajun 
Composer: Chen Wei

Miu :

Your tears a little gray 
I can help you wipe vague sadness 
Never regretted it so absolutely love


Be the roses around you 
Willing to accompany you for thou wilt slumber 
Even then the United States please forget who I am

Bii & Miu :

Soothe all your scars give you gentle fortress 
Will not let you destroy all the unsafe heartbreak 
I'll hold you in the whole world around you 
Doomsday will not let you come alone before I fly 
I will be at your side you big garden irrigation 
No matter how tired I am more beautiful bloom does not matter 
I'll be there when the city was dark 
Brighten up your shot from the side quietly leaning on my shoulder 
I'll be there by your side in silence 
Until you discover who you really love 
My love will never retreat 

Translation =

我會在你身邊(Bii畢書盡& Miu朱俐靜)

你的眼淚 有一點灰
我幫你擦去 模糊的傷悲
從不後悔 愛就那麼絕對

做你的玫瑰 在你周圍
就陪你沉睡 願替你枯萎
就算再美 請忘了我是誰

畢書盡Bii & 朱俐靜:
撫慰你所有傷痕累累 給你溫柔的堡壘
把不安全都摧毀 不讓你心碎

我會在你身邊 擁抱你整個世界
末日來之前 我不讓你孤單的飛
我會在你身邊 灌溉你那座花園
綻放的更美 再累我都無所謂
我會在你身邊 當城市一片漆黑
照亮你側臉 靜靜靠在我的肩
我會在你身邊 默默守在你身邊
直到你發現 真正愛你的是誰




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